Poker Games in Delhi | Poker Club in Delhi
Playpokerguru is the largest India online poker site and is also at the center of most poker activity in India. The site is particularly tailored for Indian poker enthusiasts where players can play on Freeroll as well as Real Cash Tables. The site offers both Ring & SitNGo poker games. Playpokerguru also organizes various daily, weekly and monthly poker tournaments, through these tournament players get a chance to win Real Cash to the tune of Lakhs. It hosts exclusive poker promotions like Mary Kom Tourney to celebrate the spirit of the game. The site is also the pioneer in launching a Loyalty program which rewards patrons for playing online poker cash games.
Playpokerguru welcomes you to the world of offline poker. PlayPokerGuru is India's one of the best arrive poker sites and has already achieved great success in providing its users an inspiring and exciting poker experience. PlayPokerGuru main focus is providing its users an extraordinary environment where they can play poker and other card games non-hesitantly and enjoy the game fully.

Play poker offline and win hundred thousand worth money at stake. One stop paradise for all poker enthusiasts in India Poker Tables Texas Holdem Teen Patti Play poker offline and win hundred thousand worth money at stake Poker Championship n Tournament Teen Patti Poker Texas Holdem. PlayPokerGuru provides Poker variants and online poker tournament in India.You can find here Poker rooms where Indian poker players enjoying real cash poker tournaments. Log on to or contact Saurabh Jain at or call +91 - 9999924385 for ongoing live poker.
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